Monday, January 24, 2011


  • Stoichiometry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the quantitative analysis of chemical reactions.
  • It is a generalization of a mole conversion to chemical reactions.
  • understanding the 6 types of chemical reactions is the foundation of stoichiometry

  • A+B-->AB
  • Usually  elements ---> compounds
Ex: Na2O + H2O ---> 2NaOH

  • AB ---> A + B
  • Reverse of synthesis 
Ex; CaCO3 ---> CaO + CO2

Single Replacement
  • A + BC ---> B + AC 
Ex:  Fe + CUSO4 ---> Cu + FeSO4

Double Replacement

  • AB + CD ---> AD + BC
  • Metals always go first
 Ex: FeCl3 + 3NaOH ---> 3NaCl + Fe(OH)3

  • Reaction Between an acid and a base
Ex: NaOH + HCl ---> NaCl + H2O

  • Reaction of something (usually hydrocarbon) with air
  • Hydrocarbon combustion always produces CO2 and H2O
Ex:  2C4H10 + 13O2 ---> 8CO2 +10H2O

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