Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Si System, Percent Error and Experimental Accuracy

On monday, september 21st we learned about the Si System, Percent error and experimental accuracy.
When you use prefixes with Si Units,you can put a prefix in front of the unit and change the power of it.
The Si system uses many prefixes to represent very large or small numbers.
Note: Don’t mix up scientific notation and prefixes together, theres a big chance you will get confused.
Experiment Accuracy:
the maximum accuracy of any measurement is ½ of the smallest division of the measuring device.For example:A ruler with measurements of millimeters has a mamimum accuracy of + or – 0.5m.
Liquid in a gratuated cylinder will typically form a curved top called a MENISCUS. The volume is taken at the bottom of the meniscus.
Expressing error:
There are 3 types of error
  1. Physical error in the measuring device
  2. Sloppy measuring
  3. Changing ambient conditions
Usually you can’t prevent physical error and changing ambient conditions but you can prevent sloppy measuring.
Absolute error and percentage error:
To get absolute error, it is measured value – accepted value.
To get percent error:

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