Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Moles And Volume of a Gas

Mass <---> Moles <---> Volume   
  • At a specific pressure and temperature one mole of gas occupies the same volume
  • At 0'C 101.3 KPa 1 Mole = 22.4L
  • This temperature and pressure is called STP
  • 22.4L/Mol is the molar volume at STP

Ex. How many liters will 5.0 mol occupy at STP.

5.0Mol * 22.4L 
              --------  = 112 L
               1 Mol 

Ex. At STP a sample of Nitrogen gas contains 15.5. How many liters are there?

15.5 Mol * 22.4L
                 -------- = 347.2 L
                  1 Mol

Ex. STP an Hydrogen gas occupies 12 liters. How many moles of gas must be there?

12L * 1 Mol
         -------- = 0.54 Mol

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