Sunday, January 16, 2011

Empirical Formulas and Molecular Formulas

Empirical formulas are the simplest formula of a compound that show only the simplest ratios.
   -Not the actual atoms

   Ex: - The empirical formula for Hydrogen gas is H
         - Dinitrogen TetraOxide is not N2O4 in an empirical formula format. It is NO2.

Molecular formulas give the actual number of atoms.

We need to know the ratio of each element to determine the empirical formula.

This table will help to determine the ratio for an element.

Atom     Mass     Molar Mass     Moles              Smallest Mole     Ratio
  C          8.4g           12.0g            0.7/0.35      =       2                  2
  H          2.1g           1.0g              2.1/0.35      =       6                  6
  O          5.6g           16.0g            0.35/0.35    =       1                  1

The simplest ratio could be decimals.
For certain decimals you may need to multiply everything by a common number.

Decimal                                            Multiplying Coefficient 
0.5                                                                   2
0.33/0.66                                                         3
0.25/0.75                                                         4 
0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8                                              5

Atom     Mass     Molar Mass     Moles              Smallest Mole     Ratio
  C         50.5g         12.0g          4.21/3.16   =         1.32 x 3           4
  H         5.26g           1.0g          5.26/3.16   =         1.66 x 3           5
  N         44.2g         14.0g          3.16/3.16   =         1      x 3           3

To find the molecular formula you need the molar mass. If you know the empirical formula.

Empirical                      Molecular
C2H6O                              ?
     ?                              138g/mol

12.0(2)+1.0(6)+16.0=  46.0g/mol

Empirical                       Molecular
C2H6O                               ?
46.0g/mol                      138g/mol

138.0/46.0= 3   (C2H6O)3

Empirical                        Molecular
C2H6O                         C6H18O3
46.0g/mol                      138.0g/mol

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